True Options Pregnancy Center is excited to announce the 5th Annual Turkey Trot 5k & Fun Run/Walk! All proceeds from this event will be given to True Options so that they can continue providing support and resources for women and men in our community.Join us as we gobble, gallop, and give thanks during this family friendly event! Come join the fun by participating in our 5K race or try to beat the dressed up turkey in our 1 mile family fun run/walk and win a special prize!
7:30AM – Race Day Registration and Packet Pick-Up
8:00AM – Turkey Trot Family Friendly Fun Run/Walk
8:30AM – 5K Run (with Chip Timing)Packet Pickup will be held onFriday, November 20th from noon till 6:00 pm at True Options Pregnancy Center at 105 W Pecan St, Sherman.
You will be allowed to pick up your friends and families race packets. Bib number, timing chips, and t-shirts will be available at packet pick up
5K Age Groups
Overall M & F, 0-14,15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
**Preferred t-shirt size is NOT guaranteed**
Sponsorship Levels
Please contact Bri at bri@shermanpregnancy.com for the different sponsorship opportunities!