Story Time is every Thursday at 10:30 am! Any age is welcome, but stories and activities are geared toward 2 – 5 years.
We’ll be reading “Rainy Day” by Patricia Lakin. A little bit of bad weather isn’t going to stop the crocodiles from having a good time. With their slickers on and their umbrellas open, Sam, Pam, Will and Jill set out to find some rainy-day fun. Is mini golf a good idea? How about baseball? When they start catching hail instead of baseballs, it’s time to head back inside. And that’s when a new friend has the best idea of all: An afternoon in the library turns out to be the perfect rainy-day activity.
Following story time we’ll paint a gator with optional rain gear! ($11.20, reg. $14)
No sign-up required, we hope to see you at the studio!