Details for the event
Please begin to line up around 12:30 on Saturday the day of the event if you plan on participating in the boat parade.
1:00-2:00 Opening prayer, Pledge, words by our speakers, and the National Anthem.
2:00 Dismiss rally. Once bay area is clear we will begin parade routes. Begin to maneuver into route position.
2:30 ish parade begins. Please keep in mind that the routes will take time to get to their locations.
Three routes:
Yellow route will leave from Burns run east and head north to Roosevelt Road bridge and then loop back.
Blue route will leave from Burns Run East and head over to Highport Marina and Treasure Island before looping back.
Red route with go into Grandpappy point and loop back.
We will have three routes in order to cover as much of lake Texoma as possible. Each route will head out approximately 10 min apart or until deemed safe. If you have a preference of which loop to take, please arrive at least an hour prior to the event.
Boat ramps:
Burns Run East (Oklahoma): Free. Two ramps. Also, good spots for kayaks see address in event information.
Dam Site (Denison Dam on Texas side): Free. Located on Hwy 91 the site is easily accessible from Hwy 75, west on Hwy 91. Once the boat is launched head directly north to Burns Run East. Can’t miss it.
Eisenhower State park (Texas): Charges a car fee. You may launch from Eisenhower State park Marina. 50 Park Rd 20, Denison (903) 465-1956 You will head north east over to Burns Run East. Not far.
Come out early and have a picnic or swim at the swim area. There is parking. If you do not have a boat, then come directly to Burns Run East beach or hang out anywhere along the route. This is a family friendly event.
A few rules
1)No alcohol
2) Pick up trash
3) No towing during parade
4) Have all safety equipment including enough life jackets.
5) Be willing to travel at slower speeds during the parade.
6) Do not block traffic.
7) There will be all kinds of watercraft. Be on the lookout for smaller boats/jet skis. No weaving in and out of the parade. If you need to exit for any reason early, then please do so safely.
8) Social distance and if not possible wear a mask.
Basic Parade Agenda:
12:30 Begin to arrive if you have a particular route you would like to get in position for.
1:00-2:30 Opening prayer, Pledge, guest speakers, National anthem.
*2:30 begin to depart for the parade. Come early to picnic and swim (no designated time)