New Year’s Eve Casino Night is co-sponsored by VFW Post 2772 and VFW Auxiliary 2772, Thurs., Dec. 31, 7 p.m. – midnight, 1707 Baker Road, Sherman, TX.
Pre-sold tickets are $25 per individual and $50 per couple, adults only. Face masks and social distancing are encouraged.
7 p.m. – 11 p.m. – casino gambling with $2,500 play money, choice of three appetizers, raffle gifts baskets of $100 value, 12 gauge shot gun raffle
12 a.m. – midnight champagne toast, with VFW canteen also open.
Get your Casino Night tickets now as ticket sales end December 22. No tickets will be sold at the door on New Year’s Eve. Call VFW Auxiliary Secretary Catherine Giles at 940-597-4757 for tickets.
Net proceeds will benefit veterans programs of the VFW Post 2772 and the VFW Auxiliary 2772.