Mondays can be so mundane at times. We have spiced up Monday with Monday Madness. Each Monday during the month of June, we will bring a unique guest into town. Guest will be performers or educators to present a spectacular show for kids. The educational and entertaining presentations will be free for everyone at the municipal ballroom. Light concessions will be available in the back for purchase.
June 17 we will have Critterman here! He has been a fan favorite in past years. Critterman brings critters, from all over that kids can get to touch and pet. He brings excitement to the crowds and loves hearing all the questions that kids have about his animals.
June 2- Baba Kwasi
June 10- Wildlife on the Move
June 17- Critterman
June 24- Theatricks
Time: 2-3PM
Location: Municipal Ballroom
Price: Free