Lifeguarding is the perfect job. Many times it is a first time job for young adults. While lifeguarding, you learn crucial skills that can help you grow throughout the rest of your lives. We are looking for individuals that are prepared to become the next generation of lifegaurds. If you or someone you know is prepared to take on the challenge of maintaining safety, ensuring cleanliness, and learning valuable skills such as CPR, all while getting to enjoy the sun, then we need you. But first you have to become Lifeguard Certified. We are hosting a Lifeguard Certification Class that will prepare you for the summer coming up! All students must complete online class portion before the first day of class, pass all pre-requisites, attend every session of class, and pass a final exam. While in class we will prepare you to be successful not only for the test, but also in your job and beyond.
Pre-requisites are:
In Class dates and times are: