The Tulsa District, U.S.S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is
revising the Lake Texoma Shoreline Management Plan (Plan). Two open house public meetings will be held
from 6 pm to 8 pm on January 29, 2020 at the Pottsboro High School, 901 Highway
120 Pottsboro, TX 75076 and January 30, 2020 at Kingston High School, 400 NE 3rd
Street, Kingston, OK 73439.
The meetings will provide attendees with information regarding the revision content and process, and provide a general schedule. Attendees can view current shoreline allocation maps and ask USACE staff questions. A 30-day comment period will follow the meeting from January 29, 2020 through March 2, 2020 in which the public can send comments, suggestions, and concerns. More details