Big Mineral
9:00 – 11:30 am Beach Clean-up
11:30 am – 1:00 pm “Burning of the Socks’ Bonfire (BYOS), free
hotdogs, chili dogs, chips, tea & lemonade, Free flipflops to the
first 50 partiipants
Buncombe Creek Marina
10 am: Bounce House, Dunk Tank, Live Musioc, Carnmival Games by locals, Plarl Bear Plunge, Chili Cook-off, Free Hotdogs
Cedar Mills Marina
St Patrick’s Day Event, Bonfire for burning socks, and Bingo Blast
benefiting Texoma West End Lunch Program (Tickets for Bingo $35)
Eisenhower Yacht Club
Members Only Customer Appreciation food and Raffle
Highport Marina
Fire pit to burn socks, with donation bin to donate new socks to be
donated to a charity. Shrimp boil at the Island Bar & Grill
Flowing Wells Resort & Marina
5 – 10 pm – Customer appreciation and benefit for the Locust Volunteer Fire Dept. Food, bonfire, and sock burning
Stay tuned….I’ll bet there will be more to come.