Saturday October 26th, 2019 Schedule:
10am to 6pm- Free Lectures,
Also*Vendor Tables to purchase $50 Inside and $30 Outside
111 Rc Vaughan Rd, Denison, TX 75020
Send payments for 8pm to 12am VIP Night Investigation lead by Greg Stephens RIP via PayPal to email: PayPal.Me/gcfrontiervillage
*In note section add the name, email and phone number for each person paid for.* Adults only-18 years old and up
Organizer and Host Teal Gray will open the event and be your MC for the day
10:15 am -Radio Host, Author- Sheila Gay “Manifesting Positive Energy”
10:45am-Author, Tour Owner of Goatman Bridge Tour -Becky Vickers “Secrets of Goatman’s Bridge”
11: 30am- Award Winning Author -Tui Snider “The Great Texas Airship Mystery of 1897”
12:15am – Author, Paranormal Investigator- Jamie Mose “Haunted Dolls and Objects”
12:45pm – Award Winning Author Natalie Bauman- “Red River Hauntings – True Ghost Stories”
1:15 pm- Award Winning Author, Owner of Hill House Manor- Linda Anthony Hill “Hill House Manor”
1:45pm -Author, Paranormal Investigator -Susan Hill “Dowsing Rods”
2:15pm-Author, Paranormal Investigator, Photographer- Martha Hazzard Decker “Haunted Hill House”
3:00pm- Donna Head- “Haunted Frisco Depot”
3:30pm- Event Organizer, Co-Owner of The Lavender Crow, Author- Teal Gray “The History and Hauntings of Frontier Village”
4:15pm- Owners of Tea Punk Teas Genevieve Dodd and Lloyd Dodd – “A History of Tea” With free samples all day!
4:45pm – Greg Stephens and the RIP Team “Research and Investigation of the Paranormal”
5:30pm- Winners of the Raffle for Donated Items are announced
8:00pm to 12:00am
VIP Paranormal Investigation Lead by renowned Ghost Hunters Greg Stephens and RIP
$50 per person 18 years old or older only
Feel free to bring your own ghost hunting equipment to capture something unexplained!
Send payment Via PayPal to email: PayPal.Me/gcfrontiervillage
*In note section add the name, email and phone number for each person paid for.*