RooTales: Authors Shelly Williams and Marc Parrish will discuss their works and their writing journeys.
Ideation Station invites you to 90 minutes of book talk and nostalgia. Authors Shelly Williams and Marc Parrish will discuss their works and their writing journeys. Learn from Marc about how he researches and writes about Texas history and the many ways Austin College figures in it. Catch up with Shelly’s Covey Jencks’ mysteries and his latest book, Covey and JayJay Get Educated.
Here’s what Marc has written about Get Educated:
Shelly has sent his heroes back to school to solve a triple murder on a college campus. As usual, his narrative moves quickly with frequent twists and surprises. If you know the author, you might also recognize some similarities to actual individuals from his, and your, past. Overall, yet another great read. Highly recommended
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