“A Hometown Holiday Tour” will feature businesses and organizations creating stationary floats and displays at their place of business or festively decorating their property for the holiday season allowing patrons to drive by on their own for a free holiday tour throughout the Durant community.
We hope our community will enjoy this new twist on the annual Christmas Parade,” said Janet Reed, Executive Director of Durant Area Chamber of Commerce. “Families and friends can put on their pajamas, grab a coffee or hot chocolate from a local coffee shop and enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas from the comfort and safety of their own vehicle.”
To enter your business/organization to be a stop on the Hometown Holiday Tour, download an entry form at www.durantchamber.org or www.durantmainstreet.org. A paper copy can also be picked up at the Chamber and Main Street offices. Organizations or non-profits without a storefront can fill out the entry form and contact the Durant Area Chamber of Commerce at 580-924-0848 to be assigned a location for your display.“
Durant Main Street is excited to get to work on our festive Christmas displays downtown,” said Stephanie Gardner, Executive Director of Durant Main Street. “We believe this event will become a fun holiday tradition that continues next year in our community!” Prior to the event, a map of display locations will be provided online at www.durantchamber.org or www.durantmainstreet.org and at the Durant Area Chamber of Commerce office, located at 215 N 4th and at the Durant Main Street office, located at 110 N 2nd. Voting will also take place online to determine a first, second and third place winner of the best display.
Durant’s “A Hometown Holiday Tour” is a partnership between Durant Area Chamber of Commerce, Durant Main Street and City of Durant to provide a safe, fun and festive holiday event for the community. For more information, contact Durant Area Chamber of Commerce at 580-924-0848. See Less